“The way business is conducted worldwide is going to be different, and a lot of that difference is going to reflect what we think of as the Walmart Way.”
Sam Walton
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“The way business is conducted worldwide is going to be different, and a lot of that difference is going to reflect what we think of as the Walmart Way.”
A Global Company
In 1991, Walmart opened its first store outside the United States—a Sam’s Club near Mexico City. Since that first store opened, Walmart’s worldwide presence and ability to serve many countries and cultures has grown exponentially. With every store it opens, every market it enters, and every customer it serves, Walmart strives to advance Sam Walton’s mission: to save people money so they can live better.
Walmart’s Purpose on a Global Scale
Sam Walton’s vision continues to spread. By offering quality goods and services at Every Day Low Prices, Walmart has improved the standard of living for people around the world. Walmart’s core values, or basic beliefs—Service, Respect, Excellence and Integrity—fuel the company’s growth and serve customers, associates, and suppliers on a global scale.
Doing Well as a Business by Doing Good in the World
Save money. Live better. These are the words that define Walmart. The "Every Day Low Cost" strategy helps people save money, stretch their paychecks, and provide a better life for their families. But the work the company does to help people live better goes far beyond the store walls. It extends into local communities and around the world.
Walmart has an opportunity and a responsibility to make a difference on the big issues that matter to us all. Issues like preserving the environment, fighting hunger, empowering women, and providing access to healthy, affordable food. Walmart is driving meaningful change in a way that no other company can. And the company is committed to using size and scale to help the world live better.
If we work together … we’ll lower the cost of living for everyone. We’ll give the world an opportunity to see what it’s like to save and have a better life.
Learn more about Walmart International.
I would like to be remembered as a good friend ... that's important. I have such a strong feeling for the folks in our company. They have meant so much to me.